Swings to Parenting

Swings to Parenting is Guidebook on How to Become an Effective Mom & Dad Before, During & After Pregnancy.
It gives functional values in preparation for marriage during dating and courtship from finances, family setup, to investments plans. Swings to Parenting perfectly guides you on how to preparation for healthy conceptions. It helps know what to do and not to do for quality conception. These includes the how’s and what’s.
Candidly, the book narrates how to overcome conception challenges among social, culture, and society pressures on having babies.
Moreover, the book further guides you on nurturing pregnancies from trimester one to the last. What to do and not in each trimester for moms and dads. From clinics, shopping, exercises, foods, to how to enjoy your marital rights at different stages of pregnancy.
You understand these are both moms and dads roles, not just the pregnant lady. Similarly, Swings to Parenting gives delivery room tips for safe delivery and demystifies myths to avoid in delivery room for both moms and dads.
Finally it guides moms and dads on nurturing secrets for healthy babies and functional family that guard and take over our investments. This book fits you and as a gift to your friend who is getting married, having babies and raising young children.
Wicef highly recommends it because:
- Good family preparation is key to family investments plans.
- Parenting involves investing in children rather than just investing for them.
- Financial planning before marriage, during pregnancy, and in nurturing is important to having financially successful investments.
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