Do you know the best book in investment of all time? A book that strategically guides your investment or to guide you in your upcoming dream investment?

Well, if you know, have, or are looking for one, knowing the best book in investment is very important because investment books are transformative guides to growth. Moreover, everyone wants to crack and enjoy the good returns of their investment through a strategic investment guidebook.

Our Wicef well-reviewed best investment book in Kenya is a book that impacts most people’s investments in Kenya and across most people across the world.

One juicy benefit of having a great book on investment beyond the shared strategies is that the book gives you hands up and guides you on what to observe before, during, and after investment.

Therefore, one of the greatest skills is to know how to select the best book for investment. In this article, we show you the best investment guidebook and more so show you how to know and select the best book in investment for your investment. Below are the major benefits of having the best investment book.

How to Know the Best Book in Investment

Below are the best tips to use while selecting your best book on investing with the key significance of these Investment Books:

1. Practicality of Advice:

The difference between motivation books and the best books for investment is the practicality of the shared strategies. The best investment books share the best investment strategies and show you how to practically implement each of the strategies.

It is myopic to think having motivational books without a practical guide of implementation will transform despite reading the book. Therefore, it is paramount to check how workable are the strategies from one stage to the other.

Our surprise best book for investment gives you the best investment strategies and shows you how to implement each of the strategies to grow your investment.

2. Financial literacy:

The best investment book must bring out deep financial knowledge that builds your financial literacy. One criterion of sorting out a great book on your area of interest is to check if it serves the purpose of its pillars.

This is to mean a good investment book has to have a financial literacy pillar. Financial knowledge is a key investment pillar. Similarly, a good investment professional will ensure you understand finance as the basics of investment.

For example, our surprise best investment book in Kenya has a topic fully dedicated to financial topics titled financial systems and their secrecy.

3. Strategic direction:

One of the reasons we all read investment books is to know which feet to put where and when. This is the basic strategic direction any form of investment does take. Nevertheless, the best investment books in Kenya and across the world give strategic direction to take from one level of investment to the other.

For example, we all need to know what key marketing options to take, what team to put first in your investment, and many more options like social capital.

If you do not want to hit lots of hitches while doing your first or advanced stage business development, make the best strategic directions from one stage to the other.Wicef, about wicef,

Robert Kiyosaki says that you cannot have the desire to be the best investor in an area and you do not have the audacity to read at least five books in that particular area.

Do you want to be the best investor in real estate? Read at least the five best books in real estate. I further advise you to practice it to the core to claim you are the best.

4. Measured Caution:

The best book in investment ought to give you the challenges to expect in your particular areas of investments. A good book full of all the success stories on investment is an unnecessary motivation book since it doesn’t bring out the real issues to note.

The best books on investment show you real and existing challenges, caution, and failure lessons on your preferred investment. Just like how practical the advice in the book should be, the book should show you how to overcome particular challenges in the book.

Wicef consultants emphasize the need to use other people’s failures as lessons. More of these failures are the cautions you read in investment books.

5. Clarity of Explanations:

Have you ever bought a book with an attractive title and cover only to find it hard to read and understand?

This is because the book has unclear explanations. While buying your best investment book, ensure the strategies shared are clear and the explanations are understandable throughout the book so that the investment book guides you accordingly.

One easy way to know a good investment book with clarity of explanations is by reading the blurb, preamble, and conclusions. Are these sections clear? Do they capture the real issues? Do they bring out the issues clearly?

If you struggle to understand them, the book has no extra magic to make you understand the deep concepts in the main pages.

6. Broadens Knowledge:

Instead of going for any book on investment book in Kenya or anywhere in the world, go for the best investment book that basically broadens your knowledge on key areas.

Therefore, while selecting the best investment book, we seek to emphasize a book with diverse key topics of investments. We all know investment is a broad scope, and therefore you need a book that brings out diversified topics to broaden your knowledge.

These areas include capitalization, taxation, management, and systemizing among many diversified areas you’d prefer.

7. Authors Credibility:

The credibility of the author of a guidebook such as Investment is a key force in determining how best an investment book is.

This is because some authors are inclined toward motivation that is impractical while some authors are real investors and business people that feel the need to impact through experience.

Therefore, before acquiring a book, check the background of the author. You can simply search the author’s name on the internet along with the title of their book to see what they do or have done to make them write a book.

Some authors have careers along their writing genre while others write out of experience. Our surprise best book for investment is written by a growth entrepreneur who has shared his many failure cases with his high-performing investment.

The best investment authors have practically done what they write about.

8. Relevance to Readers Investment Goal:

It is commonly said that if you want to cut a tree, take more time to sharpen the axe and prepare yourself before rushing to cut the tree. The best investment books fit readers with the intention to invest. This is because the drive is action-focused.

Therefore, sharpening your exe means reading to implement the sparking juice in the investment book to an existing investment plan or grow an existing investment.

Nonetheless, some good investment books challenge one to start but the most impactful ones are best suited for people with a clear goal on investment.

Best Book on Investment

After knowing the best criteria for evaluating the best book for investment, Real Growth Hacks is our recommended best investment book in Kenya and across the world.

Books for generational growth. Real Growth Hacks & Swings to Parenting

Why is Real Growth Hacks the best book for investment? Below are the reasons why you should buy and gift your best friend the Real Growth Hacks book:

Why Real Growth Hacks is the Best Book in Investment

Here are some of the reasons you need the Real Growth Hacks as your guidebook to your entrepreneurship journey and investment.

1. The practicality of Executing Shared Strategy

Real Growth Hacks is the best investment book because it shows you what to do across investment options and how to get it done.

In the book blurb, the book reads ‘I chose to take you through with working philosophies and guide you with functional capitalism, financial, etc. systems and strategies.’

One of the shared strategies and how practical and applicable is understanding your work philosophy and how to match that with your personality. Spending vs Financing options and Monastic personality vs Daily Growth Path.

When the investment option matches your personality, execution becomes a natural flow and sweet ride. Do you agree?

2. Clarity of Explanation in Diverse Case

Real Growth Hacks Book is written by an innovation and entrepreneurship lecturer with failed and functional investment. As a result, the author shares critical views with simplified language and clear flow.

Most Dons know what language is necessary for class and what fits a practical industry full of dowers without time to sit in a class and learn English. Real Growth Hacks covers all readers with various classes for all types of readers.

This is to ensure the book impacts all types of investors and readers across the globe, from the global north to the rare south. Have you read it?

3. 100s of Failure Cases & Solutions to Each Case

As a Don, the author has practically invested and read wide for business development and consultancy. From business consultancy, research, and practice, Real Growth Hacks authors share cases that make most investment work while 1000s of them are failing.

You see, the best books in investment share causes of failure and more so strategic measures to resolve the challenges and causes of failure.

The book shares Namangu and Kahuna as examples of premium failure-to-success cases you should read.

Other than finance, capitalization, management, strategic moves, and systemization, many shared factors in Real Growth Hacks cause investment failure. What’s your investment for a micro-investment consultancy?

4. Balance of Research & Professional Strategy

The best books in investment strike a balance like Real Growth Hacks gives by offering research facts and professional growth strategies from real practice.

The beauty of Real Growth Hack is that the author’s career as a lecturer and as an experienced entrepreneur. The book comes with scientific figures and philosophy that are factual to guide you on what to do and not to do.

Real Growth Hacks Best Book in Investment

Moreover, the book gives professional practices to reference from existing investments. The critical balance is a tone you find missing from most investment books.

5. Authors Entrepreneurship & Innovation Experience

The inspiration behind the Real Growth Hacks book comes from the author’s personal innovation experience, career, and consultancy with the desire to share impact stories and growth strategy.

The founder runs an innovation hub that has venture capital, a business incubation center, and consultancy services. Moreover, he owns a talent school and runs a fintravel company. Many are his failed confessions in the book

This is one of the reasons the book has won awards for experiential and practice. You don’t need motivational books but real experienced guides.

6. Cross Investment Strategy

The Real Growth Hacks book is a cross-investment guide fitting all forms of investments. Real Growth Hack consultancy experience and inspiration make it cut across the industries.

These range from real estate, financial, service, production, marketing, and personal brand organizations. The advantage of cross-cutting edge also makes it a fit for all-stage investors.

Different stages of investments involve people desiring to dive into investment, startups, midrange investments, to top experienced investments seeking to scale development. Developments in finance, product diversity, and team development among many others.

Which other cross investment and cross cutting investment book have you read before?


In conclusion, having a practical book on investment is a win for all kinds of investors. Moreover, a book inspired and written by experienced investors serves the best purpose to impact. Real Growth Hacks wins our top number one best book on investment.

The reasons it wins include its ability to employ and implement investment strategy, clarity of its explanations, hundreds of existing cases, and balance of professional and research strategies.

Moreover, it is the best book on investing because of its cross investment strategy hence giving a balance to all investors across different stages of investments.

Have you read Real Growth Hacks before?

If not and you would want to get this amazing guidebook, click on the order button below.

Best book in investment

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